Thursday, 9 August 2018

Always Good Never Perfect

Have you ever noticed that no matter how good you are, there's still always someone out there uttering the words "You're still not perfect though!" behind your back/in your ear/to your face?

I have.

For a long time I battled with not feeling as good as I could be, or -- as the new popular phrase goes -- I hadn't been feeling like "my best self" #2018

So now that I am in a place where I am not only financially stable and reaching my goals successfully, but am also comfortable in my own skin and with who I am as a person, I take small niggles and comments at what I still am not "good" at personally. 

You see, I believe in a little thing called *personal growth* which means that I believe that people can change/can grow/can mature/can become wiser - all through experience. 

I was never a perfect person, but I was never a bad one either. I just grew out of old habits which were pulling me down and impeding on my potential. I worked hard, and I made something of myself that I am proud of. 
That doesn't mean I am done working hard, or trying my best or that I have reached the maximum of my potential. 
It means that I have clarity, that I have confidence and that I am connected to myself and grounded in my life. 
It means that my goals are my own and my actions are my responsibility. 

So when I am caught in a situation where someone is comfortable enough in their own imperfect life to tell me that my life is imperfect - I take it with a big spoon full of salt. (not just a grain) 

Be it that I don't necessarily look at other people and notice their imperfections right away/ or that I have been through enough in my life (even the self inflicted things) to know that I can't judge anyone else on their imperfections any more than I would like to be judged on mine, I just don't like it.

But, here's why I am wrong. 
I am good, but I am not perfect. This is true. 
So instead of hating on that person, or taking offense to their pickiness/judgement/comments on how imperfect I am - I should thank them. 

See, you should never stop trying to be better than your "good", you should always work towards enhancements. That's the real personal growth. 

It's not taking offence to a person who tells you you're not enough, it's about knowing that you are enough, but your life can always do with some minor improvements. Be it personal, physical, mental or spiritual - you can always be a step or two closer to who you were always meant to be.

It doesn't mean you aren't good, or you aren't better than you were before - it means you're never going to stop being good/getting better - with time, with age and with wisdom!

I am always going to be good, and my good is always going to get better - but I am never going to be perfect.